Since ancient times, agriculture has served as the foundation of India's economy, and it continues to be a significant industry that employs millions of people. Wheat, rice, sugarcane, cotton, and tea are just a few of the agricultural products that India ranks among the top producers of. These commodities are produced in large quantities by farmers, but many of them face difficulty getting fair prices for their harvests. But recently, with the increase in technology and accessibility, you can market what your farm generates in a variety of ways. Padgilwar Corporation, the best agricultural equipment manufacturer in Pune, assists farmers with multiple agricultural products to make their tasks easy and less time-consuming. Besides, it also suggests tips on various agricultural activities. Here, in this blog, we'll talk about how Indian farmers market their harvests.

Krishi market

The local mandi system (also known as Krishimandi, Krishi market, and Krishi bazaar) is a traditional method of selling agricultural products in India. It is a regulated market run by the Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC), a state government body in charge of controlling the sale of agricultural goods. Farmers bring their harvests to the neighbourhood mandi, where they are sold at auction to buyers who act as middlemen and buy the products for wholesalers or retailers.

The mandi system was created to safeguard farmers from being taken advantage of by traders, but it has frequently been criticized for being dishonest and ineffective. Farmers' expenses are increased by the commission fee they have to pay to the APMC. Additionally, because farmers must sell their crops at the designated mandi in their region, the mandi system restricts their ability to sell their products to customers outside their immediate vicinity.

National Agriculture Market

The Indian government has launched a number of programs recently to aid farmers in more efficient harvest sales. The e-NAM (National Agriculture Market) platform is one such initiative that was introduced in 2016. The e-NAM platform is a national online marketplace that links farmers and consumers. The marketplace gives you access to a wider range of potential customers, improving your chances of receiving a fair price for their produce. Additionally, the e-NAM platform does away with the need for middlemen, allowing you to make a larger profit margin.

However, today, besides, mandi and e-NAM systems, farmers in India can also sell their crops directly to consumers or retailers. Farmers who sell their products directly benefit from higher profit margins because they avoid paying middlemen or the APMC commission fees. These are as follows:

Online selling

Technology has made selling and marketing your products easy. People can now sell their products easily to their customers online using the internet, including agricultural products. When it comes to online agriculture product sales, BookMyCrop is a cutting-edge online platform that links Indian buyers and farmers directly without the use of middlemen. It helps buyers to locate farmers and negotiate directly with them to buy their crops or yield at the most reasonable prices.

Grocery Stores

Although grocery stores can be good outlets for your products, you'll need to move more to make up for the lower income and additional time and travel since you'll be selling them wholesale. Even though buying in bulk is advantageous, it shouldn't make up the majority of your total sales.


Even though this isn't a retail industry, you might be able to find prices that are a little bit less expensive than wholesale. However, fresh food is preferred by chefs at these restaurants. They also have a reputation for being picky as well. Before you start selling at restaurants, you must ask the cooks what they want and how much they will need. Bring sample products so they can test them out.


India has traditionally sold agricultural goods through the mandi system, which has few drawbacks. But now that the e-NAM platform has been developed and direct selling has become more popular, you have more opportunities to sell your crops at reasonable prices. The recent initiatives will empower you and improve your living standard.

Padgilwar Corporation, the best agricultural equipment manufacturer in Pune, offers strong and reliable equipment to help farmers perform their agricultural tasks easily.

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